Our Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith

The Society upholds the fundamental truths of Christianity including:

(a)  The unity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the Godhead.

(b)  The sovereignty of God in creation, revelation, redemption and final judgement.

(c)   The divine inspiration and entire trustworthiness of Holy Scripture, as originally given, and its supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

(d)  The universal sinfulness and guilt of all men since the fall, rendering them subject to God’s wrath and condemnation

(e)  Redemption from the guilt, penalty dominion and pollution of sin, solely through the sacrificial death (as our Representative and Substitute) of the Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God.

(f)    The bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead and His ascension to the right hand of God the Father.

(g)  The presence and power of the Holy Spirit in the work of regeneration.

(h)  The justification of the sinner by the grace of God through faith alone.

(i)    The one Holy Universal Church which is the Body of Christ and to which all true believers belong.

(j)    The indwelling and work of the Holy Spirit in the believer.

(k)  The expectation of the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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2010 Freshman Orientation Camp!!

Last Things First
Date: 19th July-22nd July
For registration, contact Stella (stella.ong.2008@economics.smu.edu.sg),
or leave a comment! (:

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NEW! Upcoming Events

Do pop by for any of these events! You can email us at smucf@sa.smu.edu.sg if you’ve any questions.

Super Tuesday Bible Talks
(Tuesday nights, 7.15-9pm)

Series 1: The Gospel According to God
5 topical talks on the essentials of the good news of Jesus

Series 2: Living As Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven

6 talks on the greatest sermon ever preached - Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7)

Series 3: How the World Began
10 talks on the beginning of the world as we know it - Genesis 1-12

Bible Studies
(Tuesdays, 1pm or 5pm)

The Real Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
20 bible studies on the cosmic history of the world and the universe - Bible Overview.

Drop us an email or leave a comment if you’d like to be assigned a bible study group
(or just crash one of our groups, we’ll be happy to have you!)

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The Gospel!

What’s this gospel you keep talking about?

We teach it to each other, we preach it every week, and we want everyone to know! This is the gospel (good news) that we can’t stop talking about:

The Gospel:


(Click on the link!)

If you’d like to find out more about the faith, do drop us an email (at smucf@sa.smu.edu.sg) or come by our S.U.Per Tuesdays and we’d be more than happy to tell you more.

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